ABC (Animal Bone Char) BioPhosphate characteristics
1. ABC-BioPhosphate carrier for formulation
The ABC-BioPhosphate is a natural and organic product with macrospores structure and economically high concentrated recovered Phosphorus content. ABC (Animal Bone Char) BioPhosphate is a safe horticultural biofertilizer product aiming natural recovered Phosphorus bio fertiliser supply and plant growth promotion with multiple effects in organic/low input farming cultivations.
The specific animal bone char carrier based ABC-BioPhosphate formulation contains high amount of Phosphorus expressed in P2O5 (35%) and Calcium (37%) available for plants, which allows efficient, environmentally safe and naturally renewable phosphorus supply. Beside the highly available recovered phosphorus content the animal bone charcoal also contains other important recovered trace elements, and other nutrients, such as K and Mg.
Blank ABC-BioPhoshate is a starting material for production of microbiological formulated Bio-NPK-C BioPhosphate products. We do not sell directly the blank ABC-BioPhosphate but the formulated ones.
2. Formulated ABC-BioPhosphate product
The ABC-BioPhosphate commercial products formulated to BIO-NPK-C compound biofertiliser in any composition as of user/market demands for both organic and low input farming application cases.
The formulated ABC-BioPhosphate product providing microbiologically beneficial natural soil microorganisms that are entrapped on the internal and external surface of the carrier. The positive effects of the application of the BioPhosphate fertilising products are the plant grown promotion activity, natural fertilization and the biopesticide effects.
The formulated BioPhosphate is increasing soil health/biodiversity, safe, sustainable, resilient and adaptive to all EU climatic/soil conditions.
Different types of 3R specific ABC-BioPhosphate and formulated products are available depending on the input material and carbonisation process.