Bone Meal is made from selected Category 3 food grade animal bones only, collected in separate industries and processed separately, with processing under the same conditions as above (this is therefore distinct from MBM or PAP). It contains typically about 30–38% protein content, 50–62% mineral, 5–8% fat, and 7-10% moisture. Bone Meal/Bone Grist is used for production and extraction of gelatine for the human food industry; China bone (burned bone ash powder for porcelain industry); pet food and ABC Bio-Phosphate production by 3R Zero Emission Pyrolysis technology. This type of granular and 1-5 mm sized biochar product with 30% P2O5 high nutrient density is made of food grade animal bones and can be used as full value organic fertiliser or as an adsorbent.
Specific biotech processing of BioPhosphate for creation of wide range of BIO-NPK-C compound biofertilizer for organic/low input farming applications.
Bio-Phosphate: this type of pyrolysis material is made of food grade animal bones and characterized by as high as 92% mineral carbon and 8% carbon content only. This is a full value recovered organic Phosphorus fertilizer with high calcium and content.
Bio-Phosphate is a recovered organic P-fertiliser, made from animal bone grist, having high nutrient density (30% P2O5) and pure P-content. The rendering industrial origin food grade category animal bone grist processed ABC Animal Bone bioChar is a nutrient dense (30% P2O5) organic fertilizer with as high as 92% pure calcium phosphate and 8% carbon content only. Therefore the Bio-Phosphate product functionality is recovered organic fertilizer, soil improver, growing medium and/or fertilising product blend, with usual doses between 100 kg/ha to 600 kg/ha.
- Phosphorus is strategic key element of the food crop and animal production in agriculture. NO P = NO Agriculture = NO Food.
- The EU is >84% is importing the mineral phosphate, most MS 100%.
- The phosphate is recognized by the EC as critical raw material with high supply risk.
- Mineral phosphate containing Cadmium, Uranium and other toxic elements.
- Growing food demand = growing phosphorus demand.
- The environmental and climate aspects are more imoport now than ever before.
- Finite phosphate: the low Cadmium and Uranium content mineral fertilizer resources already used up and in the future only contaminated resources are available.
- Geopolitical risks: imported Phosphate is an critically important issue for the national security already now. All farmers need phosphorus, yet just 5 countries control 88% of the worlds remaining phosphate rock reserves.
- An inefficient food system: large amount of P to waste streams, no recovery.
- Cheap fertilizer: a thing of the past for farmers.
- The Bio-Phosphate is environmental and climate sustainable with the revolutionary 3R zero emission and energy self sustaining processing and carbon negative applications.
- The Bio-Phosphate is produced from a sustainable and renewable by-product streams.
- Safe to use with below detectable cadmium content.
- Targeting social and environmental impacts, improved food quality & safety for less cost.
- High efficient energy conversion process. Energy self-sufficient and auto-thermal process.
- Low-cost/low-energy supply chain.
According to the EFPRA (European Fat Processor and Renderers Association) the European rendering industry handles 18 million tonnes of raw materials in 2022 from which 13 million tonnes fit for human consumption at point of slaughter (category 3 materials) and 5 million tonnes is segregated for safety as of higher risk (category 1 and category 2). This means that the majority (72%) of the total animal by-products are belonging to category 3 materials.
According to the Eurostat in 2022 more than 22 million tonne total carcass weight of pigs and 6.6 million tonne total carcass weight bovine animals (calves, calves, bullocks, bulls, heifers and cows) slaughtered in slaughterhouses and on the farm, whose meat is declared fit for human consumption.
The percentage of bone tissue variables between 15% and 17.0 % in bovine animal carcass and between 8% and 10 % in pig carcass. This means that annually altogether more than 2.9 million tonnes of bovine biomass produced in the EU. Over 1.9 million tonnes of bovine biomass from pigs and more than 1 million tonnes of bovine biomass from bovine animals produced in the EU annually. Bone meal contains as high as 10.5 % Phosphorus of dry matter which has high economic value.
On the Planet Earth naturally and economically as high as 35% P2O5 content concentrated Phosphorus can only be found in one unique mineral and that is the APATITE, which has two natural forms, such as mined mineral apatite that is mineral phosphate rock and bone based-apatite that is ABC Animal Bone Char – BioPhosphate.
- Mined mineral phosphates with 35% P2O5 content are naturally contaminated with significant levels of Cadmium and Uranium toxic metal elements, which by fertilizer application entering the ecosystem and the food chain, therefore replacement with biobased fertilizers should be targeted.
- ABC Animal Bone Char – BioPhosphate is naturally contamination free, zero emission processed and energy independent renewable product with 35% P2O5 content carbon negative application scenarios.
On this Planet Earth, there are no any other natural materials having that economically high P concentration than the apatite based mined mineral phosphate and the ABC Animal Bone Char – BioPhosphate.
The EU demand of phosphate rock is on average 2 011 kt of P2O5 per year between 2012 and 2016. EU’s import reliance of the mined, non-renewable and high fossil fuel demanding chemically processed phosphate rock was around 84% (average 2012-2016), given the input from Finland. (Source: European Commission, Study on the EU’s list of Critical Raw Materials (2020), Factsheets on Critical Raw Materials)
Significant part substitution of phosphate import by recovered Phosphorus would be important goal for the European agriculture already in short term. The imported mineral Phosphorus agri substitution potential by the zero emission processed and energy independent renewable ABC-BioPhosphate products in European dimension is more than 4% (45,000 t/y P2O5) in short term by 2030 and up to 20% in medium term by 2035.